My approach is grounded in psychoanalytic principles, which propose that change occurs through inner transformation rather than by changing one's behavior or circumstances. Painful or confusing experiences whether past or present often induce us to unconsciously set up defenses and other coping mechanisms so that we find ourselves in self-defeating and counter-productive behaviors and relationships. Awareness of one's own thoughts, emotions and behaviors with a non-judgemental perspective can bring understanding along with the opportunity for transformation.
My role as your therapist is to be attentive and present with you, listening both to what you say and to what you do not say and experiencing how you relate to yourself and to me. This enables me to offer you new ways of thinking about yourself and your experience, and allows you to uncover your true feelings in a safe and supportive relationship. Considering night and day dreams and your conversational imaginings can bring additional insights into your hidden emotional life. Exploring these things together can help you grow your mind and capacity to observe and be curious, which in turn can build a sense of self, allowing you to develop different ways of being with yourself and with others so that you can locate and live out what is important to you.
Although we may address immediate concerns and help you achieve short-term goals, it is the slower movement of internal growth that brings inner rest and lasting change. This is the ultimate focus of my work.